Sunday, July 8, 2012

ZINE FEST 2012...!!!


14 Juli 2012

BANDUNG ZINE FEST adalah sebuah event independen sebagai ruang untuk para pembuat media alternatif, lokal artist, distributor independen dan para penerbit independen berkumpul dan memamerkan hasil karya mereka. Tujuan kami adalah untuk para DIY zinemaker agar mudah untuk mengakses semua zine / trade, memberikan kesempatan kepada para lokal artist untuk berinteraksi dan memberikan pertukaran skill, forum dan workshop. 

Detailnya antara lain:
- Zine Exhibition, meliputi pameran media, poster, cover zine. 
- Pemutaran Film
- Distro Zine
- Workshop / Diskusi dll

Semua bisa berpartisipasi di event ini, pengumpulan materi paling lambat diterima akhir juni ini. Dan ini adalah sebuah event gratis, tetapi bantuan berupa donasi dan apapun bentukna untuk kelangsungan event ini sangat kami nantikan. 


for all zine lover who love zerox culture and DIY ethic

for info:

Temen-temen yang lagi di Bandung atau liburan ke Bandung, silahkan mampir ke acara DAHSYAT ini... bagi kalian penggemar Tugitu Unite dan Face Me! Zine, mereka juga bakalan nongkrong di sana... C U... =)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition) with artist and friends



Johannes P. Christo with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Tonthowi Al Ahyar a.k.a DJ SITO with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Thomas Breakwell with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Arum Tresnaningtyas Dayuputri with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Anisa Dilla Qolbi  with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Aji Susanto (Artist Face Me! Zine #2) with Face me! Zine #2
(street photography edition)

Ridzki Noviansyah (Artist Face Me! Zine #2) with Face me! Zine #2
(street photography edition)

Katty with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Rais Zakaria with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Rizki Januar with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Ryan "thegreatdobby" Nababan with Face me! Zine #2
(street photography edition)

Reza a.k.a kribkrib with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Gavendra Damas with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Alfie Andy with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Monique Gracia with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Migie with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Gagah Putra with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Ardan "pray" Kukuh with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Fajar Ramadhan with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Lukman a.k.a Luki with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

R.A.W.O.N.E.S with Face me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

 Face me! Zine and Tugitu Unite at Workshop Zine
"Music On Paper Exhibition21-24 April 2012

 Face me! Zine and Tugitu Unite at Workshop Zine
"Music On Paper Exhibition21-24 April 2012

Rian Afriadi (Artist Face Me! Zine #2) with Face me! Zine #2
(street photography edition) and Furqan photo's

Aditya Dony with Face me! Zine #2
(street photography edition)

Hendra Nur Cahyo with Face me! Zine #2
(street photography edition)

Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)



cover . forewords . artist and photo work Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

cover - Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)
cover by Gregorius Rusmana

cover - Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)
cover by Gregorius Rusmana

forewords - Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)
forewords by Rizki Ramadan

forewords - Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)
forewords by Rizki Ramadan

artist - Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

artist - Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Face Me! Zine #2 (street photography edition)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO EXHIBITON

Face Me! Zine #1

(scanography edition) on STUDIO EXHIBITON (Tugitu Unite-Solo X Milisi Fotocopy-Surabaya 27-29 Januari 2012)

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

 Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

 Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition

Face Me! Zine #1 (scanography edition) on STUDIO Exhibition